Laurel LaBauve

Laurel LaBauve

Real Estate Agent 
Listing Agent – Buyer's Agent – Investment

Laurel LaBauve, Realtor

Laurel has over 10 years of experience as a Maine realtor. And while she enjoys helping people buy and sell homes, her true passion is breathing new life into tired old houses. Her local company, SoPo Cottage LLC, specializes in renovating 50-100 years old homes. She updates them with modern conveniences and energy efficiency, while maintaining their antique charm.

Laurel LaBauve Realtor | Cottage and Co Real Estate

A Mechanical Engineer by training, Laurel had a 30 year career as an executive at several large companies, helping them streamline operations and improve productivity. But her weekend hobby was renovating her own homes. She’s thrilled to turn that hobby into an encore career as a realtor and home renovator. And she’s happy to be part of the Cottage & Co team!

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